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How To Start A Blog

How to start a blog in WordPress - A complete guide

Friends, today we will ask the first question in the field of blogging that how to start a blog and how to start a blog.   

 Are you searching for blogging in 2021, how to start blogging or about other questions related to it.  So you have come to a very good blog, you will get all the information related to blogging on this blog. 

You are requested to read the entire article thoroughly by giving some time so that you can get complete information.    Blogging means that you are looking for the best guidelines to start an earning platform on the Internet which can be through the given below.   

 My first question is: Why do you want to start a blog?  

  You have just heard that blogging is a very easy source for you to start earning online or for other purpose.   

 Many people start their blog or website to earn money online, but few people are able to succeed in this because not everyone follow the guidelines given for blogging.   

 And those who follow all the guidelines of blogging, they get very good results and they make very good income sitting at home.  

  So let's know that:


How to Start a Blogging

 How To Start A Blog - How To Start Blogging?  

     Friends, today we will ask the first question in the field of blogging that how to start a blog and how to start a blog.   

 Are you searching for blogging in 2021, how to start blogging or about other questions related to it.  So you have come to a very good blog, you will get all the information related to blogging on this blog. 

 You are requested to read the entire article thoroughly by giving some time so that you can get complete information.    Blogging means that you are looking for the best guidelines to start an earning platform on the Internet which can be through the given below.   

 You have just heard that blogging is a very easy source for you to start earning online or for other purpose.    Many people start their blog or website to earn money online, but few people are able to succeed in this because not everyone follow the guidelines given for blogging.    

And those who follow all the guidelines of blogging, they get very good results and they make very good income sitting at home. 

   So let's know that:   How to Start a Blogging 

 - Know 8 Easy Steps.   

   1. Select the domain name for the blog.  

  2. Make your blog online.   Register the domain name and get hosting.    

3. Use a good blogging platform.   WordPress is the Best Choice.   

 4. Customize your blog.   Use SEO free or paid themes.    

5. Search the keyword for the blog.   Do keyword research before writing a post. 

   6. Write the first blog post.   Write a descriptive blog post using keywords. 

   7. Promote the blog online.   Drive traffic to get more readers.   

 8. Earn money from your blog.   Choose the best way to monetize your blog.    

   Let's start our blogging journey.


 How to start Money Making Blog?

 Follow the steps to create a Money Making blog.    

1. Select the domain name for the blog.   

 How to choose domain name for your blog?

  The domain name of the blog should be such that anyone can remember it at once or it should be difficult to remember, the domain name of the blog should not be related to the keyword but must be related to the topic.    

The blog topic should be such that it should be related to your interest or passion so that there is no interruption while writing a blog post related to it and a good blog post can be written.    Be sure to choose your blogging niche in which you can write in depth.   

 2. Register your domain name and get hosting.    

You have come to know the name of the blog to start your blog and also know on which topic to create a blog.    To make a blog online, there is a need to pay attention to almost all the points.   

 There are many Indian companies that provide domain name and hosting, many people buy domains from some other company and hosting and company, after that they have to face many problems while migrating most of the data.    

Many expert bloggers say that if you want to do blogging without any problem, then take the domain name and hosting from the same company.   

 Expert blogger says that if you want to get the most chip hosting and free domain then there is no better option than DreamHost.   

 While taking hosting, keep in mind at least these 20 points which are given below.  

  1. Price should be that which comes in your budget.   

 2. There should be Unlimited SSD Disk Space.    

3. There should be Unlimited Band Width.   

 4. There should be Free Domain for Life Time.    

5. Must have Free SSL Certificate.  

  6. There should be unlimited FTP user access.  

  7. Must have latest cPanel version.    

8. Virus Scanner Image Manager should be there.   

 9. Server Feature with latest update should be there.   

 10. Must have free SSH and SFTP access. 

   11. Must have latest database feature.    

12. There should be Unlimited Email feature with Auto Responder.  

  13. There should be a popular software installation facility.   

 14. Should be the best security solution.  

  15. Must be 3GB RAM.    

16. Minimum 30 Day Payment Back Guarantee should be there.  

  17. At list should be 99.95% Up-time Guarantee. 

   18. Must have 24/7/365 Support.   

 19. There should be free website migration. 

   20. Must be Image Manager.   

 By Chance Best Web Hosting Company DreamHost has all these facilities in just 60 rupees per month. 

   For more information, do visit the official site of DreamHost once.


 Now the question is why should you take hosting from Dream Host Company?

 First of all, it is very easy to use for a new blogger, from here you can get hosting and free domain according to you.  

  As there is a wholesale and retail price, it happens here as well, so my advice is that you must take hosting for at least 3 years at a time.  

  There is one more advantage in DreamHost when you renew after 3 years then same price will have to be paid whereas in other companies a different price has to be paid.

    If you are facing any problem in registering the domain, then definitely write your question in the comment so that we can help you completely.


 Use a good blogging platform.

 Very good, now you have decided to start career as a blogger to get fame globally on internet.    

Think, every career needs a platform to start completely, the same thing you need the right platform to start a blog.  

  Free Blogging Platform can consume your time and everyone knows that time is money.  If you are a beginner and want to learn then read some blogs or watch related videos on YouTube.   

 Free Blogging Platform is only for knowledge sharing and not for earning purpose.  If someone said that you can make money from free blogging platform, then you will be wasting your time.

 There are many platforms available on the web.  Squarespace, Wix, Weebly are better for website building but they are not ideal for blogs.

 My first advice should be to start blogging with WordPress (but not with

 Because the huge communities have believed in their support system and amazing customization options, there are thousands of themes and plugins available, which cannot be done with other platforms.

 Other platforms never allow scaling if your blog has become widely famous and has millions of traffic.  Surely this can happen if you have a consistent focus on your activities.

 It is perfect for a start.  This platform is very easy for starter people and able to set up WordPress with a single click.


Setup and customize your blog.

 How to setup and customize blog in WordPress?    

After installing WordPress from C-Panel, login to the Admin Panel, after that an interface like the image given below will appear.  

  After this, by clicking on the Appearance option, after clicking on the theme option, you can start the blog by installing the Free or Paid theme according to you.   

 Believe me, Genesis Theme is very good for starter blogger, many bloggers use this theme and earn a lot of income.   

 Know how to do full customization of WordPress with 25 questions and answers.    Which is the Adsense Enable Theme, who is the High Adsense Earning Theme.


Do Keyword Research before writing a blog post.

 To write the first blog post, it is very important to do keyword research so that it can be known what is your micro niche topic.  

  In the current times, the competition has increased on almost every niche topic, so choose the keywords in which the competition is low, that is, find low competition keywords so that the ranking in google can come easily.    

For this, many free keyword tools are available on the Internet.


Write descriptive blog posts using keywords.

 Now the question is how to write the first blog post on your blog? 

  To write the first blog post for your blog, it is necessary to pay attention to many points such as which topic is your blog about.  

  The first blog post should be at least more than 1000 words i.e. full descriptive content so that visitors can understand and they can visit your blog directly for information related to that topic again.   

 The first or whatever post of the blog is written, it should be original content, if you can write the content yourself, then write it yourself, otherwise you can get it written by a content writer.


Drive traffic to the blog to get more visitors.

 The question here is: How to promote your blog online and bring traffic to blog? 

   Promoting a blog online and bringing traffic to the blog is not a difficult task, just a few selected tasks have to be done for it.  

  And if there is an old post in the blog, then update it and promote it.

 How to bring traffic to blog?  

To know this follow the instruction given below.    

First of all, you have to connect the blog to the search console and submit the sitemap in it, after doing all this your blog starts getting indexed by Google.   

 Before promoting the blog, there must be at least 25 posts and 3 or 4 pages should also be written like About us, Privacy Policy and Terms and Condition pages.   

 And the rest of the post Question Solving or Question Answering should be in 250 to 300 words so that if a visitor visits the blog, then his problem will be solved and he stays on the site for at least 3 to 5 minutes.

    Before promoting the blog online, you must do the basic On-Page setting.

 To bring traffic to the blog or website, definitely follow the points given below.   

 First of all create profile on top 10 social site and get millions of traffic in a day.    Bookmarking on High Domain Authority site from where Do Follow Link can be found.    Submit the article on the High Domain Authority site from where the Do Follow Link can be found.  

  Submit classified on High Domain Authority site from where Do Follow Link can be found.    Submit the directory on the High Domain Authority site from where the Do Follow Link can be found.   

 Do guest posting on High Domain Authority site from where Do Follow Link can be found.    By doing the above mentioned things, a good back link is created and ranking in Google is also available. 


Choose the best way to earn money from your blog.

  There are many ways or ways to earn money from your blog or to monetize blog, out of which some top 10 ways are given below, which you can follow very easily by monetizing your blog.

 Top 10 ways by which you can make money from blog    

 Google Adsense   

 Know: - How to earn money from Google Adsense and what should be done for Adsense approval.    What kind of blog post should I do to earn money from Adsense?    

Affiliate Marketing  

  Know that:- How to make money from Affiliate Marketing and choose Affiliate Products.    

 Paid Banner Ads   

 Know that:- What is Paid Banner Ads and it pays   

Sponsor Content Post   

 Know what is Sponsor Content Post and earn money from it.    

Yahoo Ads ( 

  Know that: - How to get approval of Yahoo Ads and how to earn money from it.    

 Taboola Sponsor Ads    

Know what is Taboola Sponsor Ads and earn money from it.    

Outbrain Sponsor Ads    

Know what is Outbrain Sponsor Ads and earn money from it.    

 Mgid Advertising   

 Know what is Mgid advertising and earn money from it.    

GDN Ads    

Know what is GDN Ads and earn money from it.    

 Local Advertising  

  Know that: - How to earn money through Local Advertising.



 I have tried my best to inform you maybe we must have missed a point, if you think so, then you can ask without hesitation by writing your question in the comment box.  .  

We will try our best to answer all your questions through blog post and you can get the solution of your problem.  

  If you want people to earn a lot of money only by creating a blog in the right way, then follow the steps given above, choose the topic niche for your blog and write good content on it and work hard day and night according to the current trend.  At least write 1000 posts on your blog, by the time your 1000 blog posts are completed, at least you will have earned 1000 dollars and after that you will definitely earn enough money every month to buy an i phone.  

  If you all join our Face Book Group DP Blogging Tips, then as soon as we put a blog post, you will get notification and you will always be updated.    

Like there is a saying that only a good student becomes a good teacher, if you want to become a good and successful blogger then you have to make someone your mentor who guides you well and can help you at every point.   

 It is also a request to all of you that you also give some advice on your side that on which topic I should write a blog post, we will accept your advice wholeheartedly.

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